Friday, September 21, 2012

Sweet Heart Dress <3

This is another one of my Pinterest have-to-do's.
It is a super easy afternoon project kind of dress
and is absolutely adorable.
Definitely one of my favorites

Click HERE for the tutorial

Isn't she just precious!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lace Back Sweat Shirt

If you are anything like me, you love lace. 
Thats why i decided to make a little sweatshirt/lace creation.
The sweatshirt is from Target (on sale!)
The lace is actually from a lace shirt I found at the thrift store.
I used regular fabric scissors.
and studs from Michaels for about $4
and of course a sewing machine or serger
FIRST thing you do is pick a sweatshirt! It makes it easier when you pick a baseball shirt type back.

SECOND is to cut the back out, just outside of the seam on the two sides, and just under the seam on the             neck and just above the seam on the bottom

THIRD you need to take the back piece you cut from the sweatshirt and lay it on top of the lace (or whatever fabric you want to use, you dont have to use lace) and just cut around the back sweatshirt piece. 

FOURTH you will need to turn the shirt inside out and pin the lace to the sweatshirt with the raw edges facing out so that when you serge or sew the facrics together and turn the shirt right side out, the raw edges will be on the inside. 

LAST I added studs just below the shoulders around the collar bone area in a triangular shape, first a row of three, then two, then one. 
the verrry last thing is to wear and look fab!

approximate creating time: 30 mins
if you like the antler braclet holder i will post a tutorial later :)

I bought this shirt from my favorite store, ANTHROPOLOGIE, and wanted to replicate, but with a rocker edge, so I added studs.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Post. YAY!

 is this going to be my latest obsession keeping me from doing my World Lit homework? im feeling YES!  ohhhwellll this is way more fun than Danish theology anyway. so, basically everyday when i get home from school i make something, or as my boyfriend says i piddle. if i could make things, eat, and decorate all day i would be one happy girl! but, i do love school, minus world lit...if you cant tell i hate my world lit class. not to mention i have to get up and speak about book tomorrow. i am NOT a great public speaker. who cares about theology when there is stuff to be sewn?! not me. CRAFTY POSTS TO COME! 
